Risk of post-treatment Lyme disease in patients with ideally-treated early Lyme disease: A prospective cohort study.
02.28.2022 |
arrow_forwardFoundation Embraces National Focus on Infectious Diseases as Education Tool
01.25.2022 |
arrow_forwardNeuropathogenicity of non-viable Borrelia burgdorferi ex vivo
01.13.2022 |
arrow_forwardLymeX Diagnostics Prize
01.07.2022 |
arrow_forwardLymeX Diagnostics Prize
01.01.2022 |
arrow_forwardPotential target for treating and diagnosing Lyme disease discovered
11.30.2021 |
arrow_forwardA hope for Lyme disease? New vaccine targets ticks
11.17.2021 |
arrow_forwardLymeX Exemplifies the Power of Partnerships after One Year of Progress
10.20.2021 |
arrow_forwardThe Complex Legacies of Lyme Disease
08.19.2021 |
arrow_forwardRecent Progress in Lyme Disease and Remaining Challenges
08.18.2021 |
arrow_forwardHow Do You Build a Biobank to Solve The Issue of Lyme Disease? Literally – One Tick Bite at a Time
07.20.2021 |
arrow_forwardExplosion in the tick population draws attention to rare Lyme disease symptoms in children
06.21.2021 |