Inspired Giving

Giving back was a way of life when Alex Cohen was growing up in the melting pot of Washington Heights, New York. Watching neighbors come to her mother for help with everything from childcare to rummage sales taught Alex this: It might take a village, but the village starts with one person. She’s carried that lesson with her, and today, it inspires the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation’s philanthropic efforts across the country.

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Our Causes


Lyme and tickborne diseases affect hundreds of thousands of people every year. We know from personal experience the devastating symptoms they can cause, but we also know that putting resources toward research will improve how doctors diagnose and treat sufferers. That’s why we’ve invested over $107 million in 60+ projects—to understand more, so we can fear less.

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See Our Latest Adventures!

Our Giving Tour goal is to visit every single state—from the east coast to the west—in search of nonprofits that are making a positive difference in their communities. So far, we’ve visited organizations in over 31 states and territories, and we’re always working to spread our giving even further. Follow our journey!

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[["Little Rock, AR","https:\/\/\/","Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub","34.756916","-92.266223","Purchased second Mobile Makerspace for rural school programming"],["Scottsdale, AZ","https:\/\/\/arizona\/","Basis Schools","33.584665","-111.805518","Sponsored the construction of a gymnasium\/auditorium"],["Baton Rouge, LA","https:\/\/\/","Baton Rouge Food Bank","30.473304","-91.065767","Funded Thanksgiving meal boxes for food bank clients"],["Boston, MA","http:\/\/\/","Boston Children’s Hospital","42.3601","-71.057083","Toured the hospital and learned about essential pediatric health care services"],["Philadelphia, PA","https:\/\/\/","Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia","39.952583","-75.165222","Took a staff-led tour of North America's first pediatric hospital"],["Indianapolis, IN","https:\/\/\/","Flanner House","39.655120","-85.967100","Met with staff and learned about vital services, like child care, urban farming, and banking"],["Grand Canyon, AZ","https:\/\/\/","Grand Canyon Association","36.056932","-112.136724","Sponsored alternative spring break volunteer program at Grand Canyon National Park"],["Las Vegas, NV","https:\/\/\/","Help USA","36.186798","-115.152891","Supported furniture and equipment upgrades for a veterans homeless shelter"],["Puerto Rico, PR","https:\/\/\/unidos\/","Hispanic Federation","18.459449","-66.082979","Helped expand the biogas generator initiative at the CMTAS educational research farm"],["Camden, NJ","https:\/\/\/","Hopeworks","39.944480","-75.116170","Funded technology upgrades, youth services expansion, and housing support"],["Houston, TX","https:\/\/\/","Houston Food Bank","29.781063","-95.274750","Supported the purchase of nutritious food and snacks for the Backpacker Buddy Program and fresh produce for the Kids Caf\u00e9"],["Seattle, WA","https:\/\/\/","Institute for Systems Biology","47.622720","-122.337488","Committed to a three-year grant to help researchers characterize the transition from acute to chronic Lyme disease"],["Baltimore, MD","https:\/\/\/","Johns Hopkins University","39.329903","-76.620522","Pledged support for Johns Hopkins' Center for Psychedelic & Consciousness Research"],["Chicago, IL","https:\/\/\/home","Marillac St. Vincent Family Services","41.921572","-87.648087","Funded youth counselors of the Hope Junior Program"],["Austin, TX","https:\/\/\/","Mobile Loaves & Fishes","30.280957","-97.622641","Purchased home furnishings and landscaping for 25 \"Tiny Homes\""],["Stamford, CT","","Multiple Nonprofits","41.053429","-73.538734","Partnering with nonprofits throughout our home state of Connecticut"],["New York, NY","","Multiple Nonprofits","40.730610","-73.935242","Partnering with nonprofits throughout our home state of New York"],["Lander, WY","https:\/\/\/en\/","NOLS","42.838610","-108.729679","Funded 10 full-tuition scholarships to domestic wilderness courses"],["Page, AZ","http:\/\/\/","Page Regional Domestic Violence Shelter","36.9068369","-111.5007914","Funded the remodeling and upgrading of shelter buildings"],["Detroit, MI","https:\/\/\/","S.A.Y. Detroit Play Center","42.436702","-83.022076","Funded a grant to provide free transportation to local students"],["Salt Lake City, UT","https:\/\/\/","Salt Lake Community Action Program","40.697839","-112.091028","Purchased of new bus to transport children to field trips"],["Cleveland, OH","https:\/\/\/","St. Augustine Health Ministries","41.481144","-81.739083","Underwrote the \"Resident Camping Trip\" and purchased a wheelchair accessible van and hospital equipment"],["Memphis, TN","https:\/\/\/","St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital","35.153646","-90.043474","Funded an inpatient unit at St. Jude's Kay Research and Care Center"],["Los Angeles, CA","https:\/\/\/","Team Rubicon","33.945818","-118.393797","Funded rebuilding efforts in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria"],["Pine Ridge, SD","https:\/\/\/","Thunder Valley CDC","43.395429","-102.402170","Supported playground updates and the Second Language Learners Program"],["Los Angeles, CA","https:\/\/","UCLA","34.068915","-118.445096","Donated to the Stuart House Rape Treatment Center and the President's Fund for patients with the greatest needs"],["Minneapolis, MN","https:\/\/\/locations\/buildings\/university-of-minnesota-masonic-childrens-hospital","University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital","44.966770","-93.237348","Invested in an \"Adopt-A-Room\" at the children's hospital"],["Los Angeles, CA","https:\/\/\/","USC","34.022531","-118.285261","Underwrote need-based scholarships to the School of Cinematic Arts"],["Chicago, IL","https:\/\/\/","Youth Guidance","41.882273","-87.632115","Sponsored the Becoming a Man (BAM) program at Clemente High School"]]

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